About our bucks:
- Aroo (2015, deceased) - +B, throws high percentage of doelings and milk genetics
- Kabar (2018) - *B ETA 88 36, Appraised VVE as a yearling
- SG Mack (2017) - +*B, Superior Genetics awarded in 2020, Appraised VVE in first LA, earned +B with first kid crop
- Lincoln (2019, sold, posted for reference only) - *B, first kids started milking in 2021, Alpha s1 casein A/F
- Liam (2019) - *B, first kids arrived 2021, Alpha s1 casein F/F
- Marcus (2020) - *B, first kids arrived in 2021, Alpha s1 casein high by breeding
- Neo (2021) - *B, flashy junior buck, first kids coming 2022, Alpha s1 casein double high by breeding
- Ra (2023)
- Radcliffe (2023) -